molybdenum in plants

Molybdenum in Soils, Plants, and Animals

The main physiological role of Mo in plants appears to be its participation in two important enzyme systems—namely, nitrogenase, and nitrate reductase, but others …Web

The Importance Of Molybdenum In Plant Growth: Role, …

Molybdenum also plays a role in the activation of other enzymes involved in sulfur metabolism, carbon fixation, and the detoxification of harmful substances in plants. …Web


Molybdenum toxicity in plants is rare under most agricultural conditions. However, sheep and cattle feeding on plants with a high Mo concentration may suffer from molybdenosis. This condition is a result of high Mo concentrations suppressing the availability of dietary copper (Cu) in these animals. For this reason, regular applications …Web

Importance of Molybdenum and it Diverse Role in Plant …

plants. Molybdenum research in higher-level plants has evolved from concepts learned in prokaryotes, such as bacterium, fungi, and unicellular algae Mendel et al., (1999). Molybdenum is a part of over sixty different enzymes Datta et al., (2011), known as molybdoenzymes. Less than ten types ofWeb

Molybdenum: foods, functions, how much do you …

Molybdenum can be quite the tongue twister! Its name comes from the Greek word for lead – molybdos – because when molybdenum was found back in 1781, it was originally confused with …Web

Molybdenum, Mo | SpringerLink

Molybdenum in plants, animals, and humans occurs in small quantities; however, being an essential element, the metal is a component of a range of enzymes. In animals and humans, these are xanthine oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, and sulfite oxidase. Goats that had been for many generations fed a semisynthetic, Mo low diet exhibited …Web

Roles of Molybdenum in Plants and Improvement of Its …

Molybdenum (Mo) is present as a pterin-cofactor in the active center of plant enzymes catalyzing key steps of nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur metabolisms, making them …Web

Molybdenum metabolism in plants

The viability of plants relies on molybdenum, which after binding to the organic moiety of molybdopterin forms the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) and acquires remarkable redox properties. Moco is in the active site of critical molybdoenzymes, which use to work as small electron transport chains and participate in N and S metabolism, hormone ...Web

The Role of Molybdenum in Agricultural Plant Production

The Role of Molybdenum in Agricultural Plant Production Abstract. Apart from Cu, Mo is the least abundant essential micronutrient found in most plant tissues and is often set... INTRODUCTION. Molybdenum is a trace element found in the soil and is …Web

Cell biology of molybdenum in plants

Cell biology of molybdenum in plants. 2011 Oct;30 (10):1787-97. doi: 10.1007/s00299-011-1100-4. The transition element molybdenum (Mo) is of essential importance for (nearly) all biological systems as it is required by enzymes catalyzing important reactions within the cell. The metal itself is biologically inactive unless it is complexed by a ...Web

Frontiers | Integrated Analysis of Molybdenum Nutrition and …

Molybdenum (Mo) is a component of the Mo cofactor (Moco) of nitrate reductase (NR) and is therefore essential for nitrate metabolism. However, little is known about Mo deficiency phenotypes or about how physiological and molecular mechanisms of Mo uptake and transport influence nitrate uptake and utilization in strawberry. Here, we …Web

Why Molybdenum Is an Essential Nutrient

Molybdenum is an essential mineral in the body, just like iron and magnesium. It is present in soil and transferred into your diet when you consume plants, as well as animals that feed on those ...Web

(PDF) Molybdenum potential vital role in plants metabolism for

Molybdenum is a micronutrient that is directly involved in the metabolic functions of nitrogen in the plant. The transition metal molybdenum, in molybdate form, is essential for plants as a number ...Web

Cell biology of molybdenum in plants | Plant Cell Reports

The transition element molybdenum (Mo) occurs in a wide range of metalloenzymes in bacteria, fungi, algae, plants and animals where it forms part of the active centers of these enzymes (for reviews see Schwarz and Mendel 2006; Bittner and Mendel 2010).In order to gain biological activity, Mo has to be complexed by a pterin …Web


The symptoms of molybdenum (Mo) deficiency are common in certain crops under certain soil and climatic conditions. However, Mo toxicity is uncommon and is found only when unusually high concentrations of Mo are present. Deficiency symptoms for most micronutrients appear on the young leaves at the top of the plant, because most …Web


Molybdenum, a trace element essential for micro-organisms, plants, and animals, was discovered in 1778 by a Swedish chemist named Karl Scheele. Initially mistaken for lead, molybdenum was named after the Greek work molybdos, meaning lead-like. In the 1930s, it was recognized that ingestion of forage with high amounts of molybdenum by cattle …Web

Molybdenum: More than an essential element

Introduction. Molybdenum (Mo) is a transition element present in relatively small amounts in the environment, with 2.4 mg kg−1 in the lithosphere and 0.2–36 mg kg−1 in soils (Broadley et al., 2012).Despite its low abundance in the environment, it is an essential micronutrient for almost all living organisms except for certain strains of …Web


Molybdenum Deficiency Symptoms Molybdenum is mobile within plants, and deficiency symptoms can appear on the entire plant. Non-legumes: Since adequate Mo is essential for proper N metabolism, deficiencies commonly appear as stunted plants and failure of leaves to develop a dark green color. In more severe deficiencies, the leaves may developWeb

Molybdenum in plants and soils

Biosynthesis of Sulfur-Containing Small Biomolecules in Plants. Sulfur is an essential element required for plant growth. It can be found as a thiol group of proteins or non …Web

Role of Molybdenum in Plant Culture | PRO-MIX …

Molybdenum is an essential component in two enzymes that convert nitrate into nitrite (a toxic form of nitrogen) and then into ammonia before it is used to synthesize amino acids within the plant. It also needed by symbiotic …Web

How To Identify And Treat Plant Nutrient Deficiencies

Role of molybdenum in plants. Molybdenum plays an important role in enzyme systems of the plant including nitrogen fixation, protein synthesis as well as metabolism of sulfur and nitrogen. Molybdenum is found in alkaline soil (high pH) so the plants growing on acid, sandy soils in humid regions can become molybdenum deficient. It is a mobile ...Web


Molybdenum - Health Professional Fact Sheet. 7–12 months. 1–3 years. 4–8 years. * Breast milk, formula, and food should be the only sources of molybdenum for infants. Molybdenum has no known, clinically relevant, interactions with medications. MyPlate. Limits foods and beverages higher in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium.Web

Molybdenum | Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State University

Because the molybdenum content of plants depends on the soil molybdenum content and other environmental conditions, the molybdenum content of foods can vary considerably (51, 57). Supplements Molybdenum in single-nutrient and multiple nutrient supplements is of various forms, including sodium molybdate, ammonium molybdate, molybdenum …Web

Treating Molybdenum Deficiency in Plants: Here's How

To treat a plant' s molybdenum deficiency, correct the soil's pH level by reducing the acidity and apply a molybdenum fertilizer. Molybdenum is an element that is necessary for plant growth. When a plant is deficient in molybdenum, its leaves turn yellow or wilt, stunting its growth.Web

Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies

Molybdenum deficiency symptoms in plants first appear between the old and new leaves. Excess of any nutrient can be toxic to plants. Too much fertilizer can result in salt burn symptoms. These symptoms include marginal browning or necrosis of leaves, separated from green leaf tissue by a slender yellow halo. The symptom begins at the tip …Web

Cell biology of molybdenum in plants | Plant Cell Reports

It has been long known that Mo (Bortels 1930) is an essential nutrient for plants, animals and microorganisms. Mo is very abundant in the oceans in the form of …Web


Chemical Basis for the Roles of Molybdenum in Biochemical Reactions. It is worthwhile to examine the chemistry of Mo to emphasize what makes it suitable for catalyzing many unique biochemical reactions. Molybdenum is a transition element with an atomic number of 42 and electronic configurations of Is 2, 2s 2 2p 6, 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10, 4s …Web

Molybdenum Deficiency

Molybdenum is an essential component of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase which are two major enzymes in plants. Molybdenum deficiency in plants resembles that of nitrogen deficiency since the most important function of Mo in plant metabolism is in nitrate ion reduction.Molybdenum-deficiency symptoms appear in middle and old leaves first as ...Web


Molybdenum is needed by plants for chemical changes associated with nitrogen nutrition. Without sufficient molybdenum plants accumulate nitrate in their leaves, but cannot use it to make proteins for normal growth. The plant becomes stunted and the leaves show symptoms of nitrogen deficiency, appearing pale green or yellowish green in colour ...Web

Molybdenum: More than an essential element

Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential element for almost all living organisms. ... In this review, we summarize recent research progress on molybdate uptake and transport, molybdenum homeostasis network in plants, and discuss the potential roles of the molybdate transporter in plant adaptation to their local environment. Keywords: …Web