patented materion modular ion beam target design lowers costscale 1 2

Redeposition in ion milling

In the special case of mask technology for X-ray lithography, two different applications exist for ion beam etching. One of them is the pattern transfer from a resist layer into an underlying layer of heavy metal, e.g. gold, which serves later on as the X-ray absorber [1]. The second one is the use of a focused ion beam for mask repair [2]. It ...

Optimal ion beam, target type and size for …

For fast 1.5 GeV d + 238 U ADS with lead or lead–bismuth eutectic moderator, the required ion beam current is only 38% of that for 1 GeV proton projectiles on lead …

Ion-Beam Sputtering, Crystalline Thickness & Deposition

Sputtering has been examined previously in CMN. One such process for depositing rutile at temperatures lower than historically reported is ion beam sputtering. The rutile structure was produced by IBS using Ar+ at 1.2 kV to sputter a Ti target at 45 deg. incidence. The ion current at the target was 1.2 to 1.8 mÅ/cm 2.

Thick target neutron yields from 100- and 230-MeV

1. Introduction. Knowledge of differential thick target neutron yields (energy and angular dependent neutron spectra) in 4 He ion induced nuclear interactions is critical in diverse applications, including heavy ion radiotherapy, space exploration, and shielding at accelerator facilities. Radiotherapy using heavy-ion (atomic number greater than one) …

Ion Beam Heated Target Simulations for Warm Dense …

The final design calls for a 3 MeV, Li+ ion beam, delivered in a bunch with characteristic pulse duration of 1 ns, and transverse dimension of order 1 mm. The NDCX II will be used in studies of material in the warm dense matter (WDM) regime, and ion beam/hydrodynamic coupling experiments relevant to heavy ion based inertial fusion …

Production of pulsed high-energy neutron bursts from beam–target …

High-energy ions can also be used to produce neutrons through (p,xn) reactions, where x can be unity or greater. There exist any number of elements, 7 mostly metals, in which such (p,xn) reactions have high cross sections approaching 1 b (peak). In general, protons are the most easily produced ion species, and proton energies greater …

Ion-Beam Surface Modification of Carbon Fibers

The dashed arrow marks the direction of the ion beam when the target is irradiated. An ion-induced corrugated structure is schematically shown on the irradiated area: L is the period of the corrugated structure (step of the relief); L G is the corrugation length; and β 1 and β 2 are the slope angles of the corrugation faces .

Ion Beams for Materials Analysis: Conventional and …

The generator allows to vary of the ion beam current magnitude from 0.1 to 50,000 nA (from 6⋅× 10 8 to 3⋅× 10 13 ions/s) in the beam spot on studied target with …

Generation of hydrogen ionic plasma superimposed with positive ion beam

The energy is scattered as the positive ion beam crosses the target plasma, but it has an energy of at least eV driver (eV). Based on Figs. 7 and 9, the density of the positive ion beam is lower than the density of the bulk positive ions by more than one order of magnitude, but the energy is higher by more than one order of magnitude.

The Modular Point Design for Heavy Ion Fusion

This facility is being developed for high energy density physics and inertial fusion energy research. The 12 m long induction linac in NDCX-II will produce a Li{sup +} beam pulse, at energies of 1.2-3 MeV, to heat target material to the warm dense matter regime ({approx} 1 eV).

Target design for the cylindrical compression of matter …

A heavy ion beam of 2 × 10 11 ions accelerated to an energy of 2.7 Gev/u and with a parabolic time dependence has been considered. The implosion target performance has been analyzed by means of one-dimensional (1D) numerical simulations with the code MULTI-1D [17] and the symmetry issues have been addressed by using the …

Ion beam experiments for the study of plasma–surface …

A 's eye view of the multi-beam injection system mentioned above is given in figure 1.It consists of: (1) an ion beam source, (2) a sector-type 90° mass-selecting magnet, (3) an ion beam line with ion optics, (4) a reaction chamber, (5) a supersonic molecular beam source with a heatable nozzle, (6) an effusive molecular beam source …

Lead-bismuth target design for the subcritical multiplier …

A hemi-spherical geometry is used for the target window, which is connected to the beam tube. A conical target window with a rounded tip is also considered since it has a lower average temperature relative to the spherical geometry. The beam tube is enclosed inside two coaxial tubes to provide inlet and outlet manifolds for the LBE coolant.


Instead of sending 240 troy ounces for refining, you're only sending out 85 troy ounces at a cost of less than $2,300 for a savings of $4,200 on every target change. The patented …


• Proprietary sputter target designs that help extend the life of the target • Innovative manufacturing technologies including our patented VCT™ (Vibration Cast Technology) …

Efficient quasi-monoenergetic ion beams from laser-driven …

In 2009, Henig et al. 13 reported quasi-monoenergetic 2.5 MeV per nucleon carbon ion beam with ∼ 35% energy spread and 2.5% conversion efficiency (carbon ion beam contained 35 mJ of energy) when ...

Atomic-scale thermocapillary flow in focused ion beam milling

We simulate a focused beam (FWHM = 3.5 nm) impacting a 27 nm × 27 nm section of an 11 nm thick freely suspended layer of crystalline silicon with its (100) crystallographic planes exposed. This is shown in Figure 1. This target consists of about 0.4 × 10 6 atoms and is intended to model a local region of a film of larger lateral extent.

Ion beam modification of materials for industry

The ion beam processes, depending on their energy, can be divided into two different categories. (1) Energetic ion beams used in the ion implantation process …

Ion Beam-Induced Damages | SpringerLink

The various models proposed in the literature for the ion beam-induced amorphization process are briefly summarized. Download chapter PDF. The scope of this chapter focuses exclusively on the low-energy ion beam-induced formation of defects resulting from the bombardment of surfaces with accelerated ions.

Ion-Beam Assisted Deposition

Candidates with proven acceptability include SiO 2, MgF 2, CaF 2, LaF 3, and AlF 3. In a recent study, the LIDTs of MgF 2 films deposited by e-beam and resistance-heated evaporation and by ion-beam sputtering were determined [2]. Fused silica and calcium fluoride substrates that are transparent to 248 nm energy were coated with a 200 …


The compact ion beam source 350 includes a modular housing unit 352 including a base portion 304 and a window 355 that is selectively transmissive to the ion beam. The compact ion beam source 350 also includes at least one field emitter element 356 disposed over the base portion 354, at least one gate electrode 358, and a chemical …

Recent developments of target and ion sources to

In which I [pps] is the Radioactive Ion Beam intensity, σ (E) [cm 2] is the cross section which depends on the primary particle and its energy E, Φ (E, x) [pps] is the primary beam intensity at a position x in the target, ρ (x) [g/cm 3] is the target density, N is the Avogadro number and A the atomic mass of the target; ε diff ε eff ε ion are the …

Design of a secondary ionization target for direct …

We designed and optimized a novel device "target" that directs a CO 2 gas pulse onto a Ti surface where a Cs + beam generates C − from the CO 2.This secondary ionization target enables an accelerator mass spectrometer to ionize pulses of CO 2 in the negative mode to measure 14 C/ 12 C isotopic ratios in real time. The design of the targets were based on …

High-Quality Laser-Accelerated Ion Beams from Structured …

The target is made by 25 μ m thick fully ionized hydrogen target with electron density of 56 n c 1.1, where n c 1.1 is the non-relativistic critical density for λ = 1.1 μ m. For the 3D simulations and virtual reality visualization, the laser and target parameters were reduced by a factor of 5/3 to 200 fs and 15 μ m.

Self-modulation and anomalous collective scattering of laser …

Due to the energy spread of the beam, the proton current varies from ∼1 kA at 1 mm from the plasma source to ∼100 A at 1 cm. Due to the beam divergence of ∼10° half-angle, the beam current density also decreases rapidly with the distance from the target (1 MA/cm 2 at 1 mm and 1 kA/cm 2 at 1 cm). The proton beam is then propagated …

The patterning toolbox FIB-o-mat: Exploiting the full …

Ion Beam Machining with Light Ions. Focused Ga ion beams are ubiquitous in ion beam machining with well-established applications in material characterization, for …

Development, design, and testing of a microwave-driven …

ECR microwave ion sources can produce stable high ion beam currents at high power efficiency, high monoatomic species fraction and operate at low process gas pressures in the ion source cavity on the order of 1–2 ⋅ 10 −3 mbar (Baumgarten et al., 2011; Ji, 2011; Roychowdhury et al., 2014; Tanaka et al., 2008; 2004; O. Waldmann and …

The patterning toolbox FIB-o-mat: Exploiting the full …

Ion Beam Machining with Light Ions. Focused Ga ion beams are ubiquitous in ion beam machining with well-established applications in material characterization, for example, TEM lamella fabrication, cross sections or tomographies [19–20], or in the fabrication of prototype nanostructures, such as plasmonic antennas [].In contrast, …

Simple target models for ion beam fusion systems studies

@article{osti_7018385, title = {Simple target models for ion beam fusion systems studies}, author = {Bangerter, R O and Mark, J W.K. and Magelssen, G}, abstractNote = {Some of the target information required for reactor and systems studies is not readily available. In this paper we attempt to improve this situation by developing simple target models that give …


As shown in FIGS. 1 and/or 2, the ion implanter 100 comprises an ion beam generation unit 12 configured to generate ions and subject the ions to mass separation; a high energy multistage linear acceleration unit 14 configured to accelerate the ions supplied from the ion beam generation unit 12 based on an acceleration parameter; a beam ...